Saturday, April 07, 2007

Jelly Beans and Astrological Signs

An unusual post to the Astrology section of AOL, which seems to fit in with at least one of my favorite Jelly Belly flavors:

"Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)Like your Aries cousins, you're fire, ruled by the fieriest heavenly body of all: the Sun. So you're also quite fond of anything that gets the adrenaline running full speed through your veins. That applies to jellybeans in the equally fiery flavors you adore. Try cinnamon and Sizzling Cinnamon, both as hot as your planet. But since you're also a big fan of the movies, the scent and taste of Buttered Popcorn jellybeans certainly won't disagree with you."
I love Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellies.


Old Dog said...

Do you know the flavors by the color? I can't tell what some of them are supposed to be.

DogMom said...

I don't like jelly beans. Not even Jely Bellies. I've tried, but I just don't like them - too much like just chewing on sugar. I'd rather have a baked potato with sour cream and chives! I don't like salt water taffy, either. Just thought I'd throw that in......

Poky said...

I don't like jelly beans, but Jelly Bellies are my favorite candy by far. Even though they are sweet, they usually contain such an instense blast of natural flavors... I realise that must sound something like not liking chocolote proclaiming their admiration Ghriardellis, but trust me that Jelly Bellies are nothing like jelly beans. The difference in a word -- flavor.

Poky said...

black is licorice, pink is something aweful like cotton candy or bubble gum, pale pink spotted with red is Strawberry Cheesecake, pale or white ones are cream soda, coconut, or marshmallow or something equally worth avoiding. Everthing else is worth at least giving a try, in my book.

Poky said...

I can't seem to edit posts... I know how to spell awful