Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Something I've Been Wondering for a While

Monday, February 26, 2007

This was the first time in many years that I watched the Academy Awards show from beginning to end, but I found myself checking what was on The Simpsons and The Family Guy toward the end of the show. I didn't think Ellen was too bad of a host, but the show followed form for recent years by having the host pulling a disappearing act for most of the second half -- this makes the show feel somewhat disjointed to me.
Highlights: Michael Mann's montage, Martin Scorcese's win, the Dreamgirls medley
Lowlights: Nothing really stood out as a lowlight, just the overall length
Thursday, February 22, 2007

I blogged about this place about a year ago, but the post went down the memory hole; I'm in a tea mood so it seemed like a good time to post about this place again. From their homepage: "Life's Short. Relax. Drink Some Tea.
Teavana… a place that many consider a heaven for tea drinkers. Over 100 kinds of Fresh Tea. Beautiful Teapots. etc…
You are about to begin your exploration of the world of tea.
From the lush hillside plantations of India and Nepal to rolling waves of green tea in Japan, we have sought out the world's freshest and finest teas for your palate to embrace and fill your senses with the wonders of the world's oldest and most healthful beverage. We source only the highest quality and freshest teas bringing them from the tea estates fresh every month into the United States. So let's begin your journey…"
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I feel as though I should know who this group is, since they are on the box my iPod came in and iTunes uses them as an example for their 'mini-store', but it wasn't until I did some digging around in iTunes that I realized that I'd heard their song "Feel Good Inc." many times without knowing who the song was by. Since radio stations rarely seem to read back the names of the songs they play anymore, it can be difficult to find songs you like -- especially when the name of the song isn't obvious from the lyrics. (Another example of this is the Chemical Brothers' "Galvanize" as heard in the Budweiser commercials, which seems like it should be called "Don't Hold Back.")
Monday, February 19, 2007
Disappear Here
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Box Office

First Norbit opens to $34 million, and now this:
'Ghost Rider' sets box office ablaze
Comic adaptation takes in $44.5 million
'Ghost Rider'
NEW YORK - Sony's Marvel comic adaptation "Ghost Rider" revved an estimated $44.5 million over the first three days of the extended President's Day frame, easily taking No. 1 at the domestic B.O. and becoming the biggest opening of the year so far.
Studio was estimating Sunday morning that the pic could roll to $51 million over four days, which would make it the biggest President's Day opening ever, surpassing Adam Sandler comedy "50 First Dates," (which hit $45.1 million over four days in 2004).
It's not all that often that an ad campaign will make me actively want to avoid a movie, but for two weeks in a row movies which held absolutely no appeal to me have opened like gangbusters. I love movies, and I'm usually pretty generous when it comes to movie choices, so I'm somewhat surprised to find that there seem to be an increasing number of "mass appeal" movies which don't interest me at all.
Watch Videos on your Wii

from Lifehacker.com
Wendy Boswell
Sunday, February 18th 2007
Watch videos from all over the Web right from your Wii with Stumble Video's new Wii-focused video channel:
The revamped video site includes an interface specifically designed for the Wii's Opera browser. Wii owners can use their consoles to navigate through StumbleUpon's video search functions and channel menu, rate and recommend videos, and "discover" more videos that specifically fit their rating histories.
I tried this on my spankin' new Wii and it actually works pretty well; some of the videos are a bit fuzzy, but that's to be expected with the different resolutions. However, overall I found it easy to use..
From this description, I can't tell whether this works with sites like YouTube and iFilm, but it still sounds pretty interesting. I love the Wii's potential in internet connectivity (even though I haven't been able to connect mine to the internet yet), and this seems like a pretty cool application.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
This Looks Interesting
Trailer for 'Across the Universe'
I can't tell whether this film is going to be a groundbreaking, unique experience in filmmaking or an unholy mess, but the trailer sure looks interesting. I love the idea of using the Beatles' music as a backdrop and connecting thread to a story set in the '60s, and some of the visuals look astounding.
I can't tell whether this film is going to be a groundbreaking, unique experience in filmmaking or an unholy mess, but the trailer sure looks interesting. I love the idea of using the Beatles' music as a backdrop and connecting thread to a story set in the '60s, and some of the visuals look astounding.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Subterranean Squirrel

Tonight as I was pulling into my driveway, a squirrel ran right in front of my car and ran down into the storm drain. This seemed peculiar to me, as I don't even ever remember seeing squirrels in my neighborhood before. For some reason it's striking me as an omen of some kind... of what, I'm not sure, but I hope it's something good.
The Others
Monday, February 05, 2007
Remember New Coke?

Almost everyone over a certain age most likely remembers the 'New Coke' fiasco, when Coca-Cola changed its classic formula to a sweeter version that tasted more like Pepsi which the marketing geniuses figured would help boost Coke's sales. An uproar followed, those responsible were sacked, and Coke went back to its classic formula (hence the 'Coca Cola Classic' now found on its labels). It seems odd to me, then, that 7up could make a fairly radical change to its taste with almost no notice or hype. I like the new 7up flavor, but I wouldn't necessarily say I like it better, and it seems different enough to me that I'm sure at least some people wouldn't like it as much. If there is any lesson to this, it may just be that some things are too much of an institution to be messed with, and for other things it may just not really matter.
Before I Forget
I wanted to keep this someplace where I wouldn't lose it...
1/3 BBQ Sauce
1/3 Honey
1/3 Soy Sauce
1/3 BBQ Sauce
1/3 Honey
1/3 Soy Sauce
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Before They Were (Network) Stars
I thought it was interesting to spot both Locke from "Lost" and Meredith Grey from "Grey's Anatomy" in the small roles in the movie "Old School", which aired tonight on ABC.
Favorite Superbowl Ad
The Coca-Cola "You Give a Little Love" ad, even though it wasn't new. The "Bugsy Malone" soundtrack was one of my favorites when I was growing up.
YouTube Coca Cola Ad
(Least favorite: SalesGenie.com, which was so bad I thought it had to be some sort of a parody. Alas, I think they were serious.)
YouTube Coca Cola Ad
(Least favorite: SalesGenie.com, which was so bad I thought it had to be some sort of a parody. Alas, I think they were serious.)
Every Now and Zen...
Happy Blogday to me
Today is the first anniversary of my first post to this blog. A lot has happened in my life over the past year, but blogging has been one constant and it has been an enjoyable pastime throughout the year.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Go Colts

Regardless of the outcome of the game, what I am probably more interested in are the commercials. Let's hope for some good ones this year -- it doesn't seem as though there have been as many memorable commercials in the past couple of years as there used to be, but maybe I am just getting more jaded.
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