Almost everyone over a certain age most likely remembers the 'New Coke' fiasco, when Coca-Cola changed its classic formula to a sweeter version that tasted more like Pepsi which the marketing geniuses figured would help boost Coke's sales. An uproar followed, those responsible were sacked, and Coke went back to its classic formula (hence the 'Coca Cola Classic' now found on its labels). It seems odd to me, then, that 7up could make a fairly radical change to its taste with almost no notice or hype. I like the new 7up flavor, but I wouldn't necessarily say I like it better, and it seems different enough to me that I'm sure at least some people wouldn't like it as much. If there is any lesson to this, it may just be that some things are too much of an institution to be messed with, and for other things it may just not really matter.
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