I recently rented 'Abre Los Ojos' again from Netflix and was just amazed at how well done this story of love, loss, dreams vs. reality and the nature of perception was done. The film was remade into the Tom Cruise vehicle 'Vanilla Sky', but despite being a nearly scene for scene copy of the Spanish film, something was lost in the translation and the original just seems to be much more powerful and involving to me.
I agree. I'll have to rent it again.
I have liked the original foreign language version better than about every remake I can think of. For example, the Dutch version of "Vanishing" vs. the Hollywood version.
Slightly off topic, we have been watching all of Pedro Almodovar's---me for second time.
I haven't seen this one, but I totally agree that the Dutch version of Vanishing was much much better. I saw Breach finally (thanks to Netflix!). Even though I was initially distracted by Cooper's white face powder and red lips, everything about it was terrific. He was perfect, as usual. I read the original indictment on Hansen and he did much, much more damage than I had known. Scary......
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