According to Wikipedia, the following are the purported secret ingredients to Coke:
Citric Acid
Lime Juice
Sugar (Lots o' sugar)
fluid extract of coca leaf, decocainized
caramel coloring (i.e., burnt sugar)
orange oil
cinnamon oil
lemon oil
coriander oil
nutmeg oil
neroli oil
No mention of the kola nut in this list, but according to rumor there is both coca and kola flavorings in the top-secret recipe. Also, Coke with real sugar is rare in the U.S. and corn syrup is usually substituted; the ingredient label itself also lists an ingredient not found above, Phosphoric Acid. Assuming at least some of the other flavorings are true, there are some surprises: I never would have guessed neroli oil, as this sounds like a new age candle scent more than a food ingredient, and coriander is a relatively obscure spice. Some of the others (such as the orange, lemon, cinnamon and nutmeg) do make sense, as you can tell that there are some citrusy flavors and spices in Coke. It's remarkable how unique this American classic truly is, with none of the dozens (hundreds?) of knock-offs really coming close, in my opinion.
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