Evidently quite a few Nintendo Wii units were distributed to Best Buy, EB Games, Game Stop and Target today, as advertised in inserts into the Sunday papers. I'm not much of an early riser even when I have to (such as for work), so I don't know if I could have made it down to stand in line in time to pick up one of the units. I think I'll have to lean on a connection to get me a Wii, but if that doesn't work I just may be down in front of Best Buy with my sleeping bag next weekend.
Toys 'R' Us is promising shipments 'any day now', but evidently these come during the middle of the day, which doesn't do those of us with daytime jobs much good; most frustrating for me was seeing Circuit City's inventory system which showed something like 846 units in their warehouse. At first I was told that I could put in an order for one of these, and then someone else told me all such orders are cancelled automatically.
I can understand distribution problems during the busy holiday shopping system, but I am mystified as to why it is still so difficult to pick up a $249 consumer electronics device which can't be all that difficult to manufacture and distribute. Another concern is that some of the more popular games are getting scarce themselves, which may mean that people would be well advised to pick up the games in advance of securing the actual units.
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